PixelEdgeBD Server Rules

  1. Be respectful towards everyone. There are people of all ages in the community, don't be rude to anyone.
  2. Usage of extreme inappropriate language is prohibited.
  3. Never leak someone's personal information without their permission. Any kind of harassment is completely banned.
  4. Don't spam (any kind of spam). Don't overuse emojis, reactions.
  5. Sensitive topics aren't healthy for the community.
  6. No personal attacks.
  7. Hacking or cheating means instant BAN. Any kind of illegal mods, clients, glitch is not allowed.
  8. Grieving can also get you banned, don't ruin the server by grieving.
  9. This rule is specific for voice channels. Annoying, high pitch, disturbing noises are not allowed. Try to reduce background noises as much as you can.
  10. Be modest and polite when you talk with people of the community.
  11. Staffs can mute or remove you from voice channels if they think it's the right thing to do.
  12. Make sure to post Contents in the correct channel. It will help the community stay organized and tidy.
  13. Don't argue pointless and illogical things with staffs. And feel free to criticize things for a better community.
  14. We don't allow any type of advertisement (Server Promotion / Self Promotion / DM Promotion)
  15. Admins can change, edit or add new rules anytime needed.

Please note that violations of the rules can result in temporary or permanent ban, mute, suspension, or other punishments. Also, ask admins and staff panel if you need any help or have any questions. Admins are always trying to make this community a better place, so please help them do it. Lastly, use common sense.

Also keep an eye on #📢・announcement and #📄・rules for the latest events and news of the server.

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